Why should Islanders continue to pay the TV-licence fee? Apart from an annual saving to the Island economy of several £millions, not paying might help reduce what I believe is a psychological assault on British communities like ours.
Prior to the mid-nineties, the BBC was an icon of quality and integrity; it used to entertain and educate. These days it appears not only to have been dumbed-down, but to resort to: social-engineering-propaganda. Instead of entertainment we have lifestyle programmes to instruct us how to live; and instead of education, we have indoctrination of how to think, in line with ‘political correctness’. The BBC has surrendered its editorial independence to the growing army of ZaNuLabour spin doctors, with willing compliance from the legion of feminist producers.
Last week for example, I was listening to radio 4’s PM, and they had an item about the loss of a million miners’ jobs, “both men and women”; but when talking about another item on flexitime and how it effected the family, they never once during 10 minutes mentioned men or fathers in relation to families, whereas women and mothers were mentioned frequently. So when I pointed out on a BBC forum that there are more fathers than female miners, I was accused of misogyny by the forum regulars, who are happy to see men air-brushed out of the family, and into the nearest prison, no doubt; and when I called them feminist bigots, the BBC terminated my online account. If you don’t believe me, try it yourself.
Consider how much airtime is given to strident female artists singing of the glory of ending relationships with men, and in some instances, wantonly promoting homosexuality among girls; whilst boy artists sing as pathetic love sick puppies. Straw men feature extensively in the BBC dramas and soaps; where not only are they sidelined from the family but are often portrayed as idiots or villains. They are targeted as punch bags by ‘empowered’ women, who occasionally justify the murder of men on moral grounds; an attitude running through NuLabour, which wants to change the law from murder to manslaughter for women that kill men. Note also the prevalence of gay historians retelling our past regarding how bad men were, and how women and gays heroically survived their insurmountable prejudices, and are responsible for all the positive things in history. Men get plenty of airtime when it comes to crime and deviancy however, and the BBC manages to find news of rape and abuse, to keep the neurotic on message, and the didactic harridans in focus. The government, via the BBC, is remoulding our sense of decency and identity in its own image: a Chimera composed of the likes of Patricia Hewitt, Jacqui Smith, The Lord Mandelson, and Harriet Harman.
A community is held together by the nuances of decency, the social norms that help us identify with the sense of right and wrong we all share. Divisive propaganda, that splits society into saints and sinners, works upon those nuances, undermining cohesion and morale in the process. The lowering of morale would typically be the prime aim of an enemy to aid invasion; indeed, Lord Haw-Haw was hung for less. When contentious factions are mischievously rewritten into the identity of a community, then the social instinct will retract toward the intimate and familiar. We will see the formation of cliques and gangs in reaction to the perceived threat of the greater community; and those that hold the male pariah in contempt, will retract further into the insularity of the single parent home. This has already happened in the main cities, and is in the process of happening in small communities like ours. We need to act purposefully by not feeding the BBC palimpsest with our money; and positively reassert our natural and inherent sense of right and wrong, to openly thwart the feminist organ that is poisoning the communal well.